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Ifan’s Soul Wolf now scales with his level and provides a competitive option compared to the Incarnate.
All Wolves are immune to Charm and Disarm.
Lvl 5 Wolf gains a Leap ability with increased Armor, now has Magic Armor and +0.5 Move per AP.
Lvl 10 Wolf gains Pack Howl with increased Armor values, 5% Accuracy, +1.0 Move per AP, 10% Resists all, Warfare / Perseverance and Immunity to Slipping.
Lvl 15 Wolf gains a Ground Slam with further increased Armor values, 10% Accuracy, 15% Resist all, higher Warfare / Perseverance, +1.5 Move per AP and Immunity to Knock Down. It also weighs about the same as a Troll.
Each Wolf's attack range has been increase to compensate for size differences so they do not have trouble hitting target.

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