One major feature of Divinity Conflux are new and powerful Tier 2 Status effects. These statuses help bring together elements and build variety.
Chilling a Burning target will consume both Chill and Burning then apply Proliferate, a piercing damage on apply and each turn with a duration based on the number of Burning stacks removed. Bleed, Burning and Chill can all be applied during this effect.

Shocking a Burning target will produce a conductive fire debuff that burns the target heavily when they move. The duration of this debuff can be refreshed with another shock application long as the enemy is burning. The target cannot be stunned during this effect.

Shocking a Poisoned target will consume the Poison to produce a noxious fume that surrounds them dealing poison damage to anyone nearby when it's applied and each turn after. It's duration is based on the number of Poison stacks removed. The target can continue to be poisoned or Stunned after applying.

Chilling a Slowed target or Slowing a Chilled target will produce the Congeal debuff which heavily reduces their movement speed and dodge chance. Applying either Chill or Slow to a target suffering from this effect will halt their ability to move entirely.

T1 status to aid Fire and Water combinations by replacing Burning / Chill -% Resistances when Proliferate is applied. Duration of the status is a direct result to the number of Burning stacks removed when Proliferate is applied.
The Resistance loss of this status will stack with both Burning and Chilled.