(All) Target character can create Conflux statuses by only using the initial status type required to normally produce them. Chill inflicts Proliferate, Poison inflicts Virulent, Burning inflicts Accelerant and Slow will inflict Congeal.

(Aero + Geo) launch a projectile at to up to 8 targets within 10m dealing 50% Physical damage applying Acid and Poison then strikes each target with lightning dealing 70% Air damage applying Shock. (Intended Conflux Status: Virulent)
Lvl 4

(Aero + Geo) Removes all positive and negative conditions and effects from targets in a small area including permanent ones. This effect will bypass defenses but cannot remove potion effects.
Lvl 9

(Aero + Geo) Bombard a 5m area with 20 conductive crystalline formations dealing 90% physical damage each then arc electricity through them for 150% Air damage as they explode dealing 150% Piercing damage. Applies Shock and Acid.
Lvl 13

(Pyro + Aero) Rush forward dealing 70% fire damage in a 3m charge radius striking all enemies in your path leaving fire in your wake then flash back to your original location and evoke lightning strikes on each enemy you hit for 70% Air damage.
Lvl 5

(Pyro + Aero) Create the sudden formation of pryocomulus above a 4m area blasting targets with incendiary wind and fire induced lightning rapidly dealing 180% Fire/Air damage over four strikes and causing Blindness. (Intended Conflux Status: Accelerant)
Lvl 9

(Pyro + Aero) Atomize a target dealing 240% Fire and 240% Air damage. Applying Burning and Shock rapidly. (Intended Conflux Status: Accelerant)
Lvl 14

(Hydro + Pyro) Deals 75% Fire damage and 75% Water damage to enemies in a 2m radius then applies Proliferate and Vitrification status for 2 turns. Vitrification status causes all damage the target receives to be increased by 10%.
Lvl 5

(Hydro + Pyro) Evoke a 3m radius pillar of divine fire dealing 100% Fire damage to enemies in the area inflicting Burning for 2 turns and healing allies in the area for 50%. Enemy Undead in the area are harmed by the healing effects while Ally are unaffected.
Lvl 5

(Hydro + Pyro) Invoke inferno and rime striking an area with multiple erupting lava vents then call down an Ice comet. Deals 225% Fire damage and 180% Cold damage in a 5m radius. Applies Burning, Chill and Proliferate. (Intended Conflux Status Proliferate, if not forced Proliferate proc)
Lvl 13

(Hydro + Geo) Deals 70% Water Damage to enemies in a 9m cone applying Knocked Down and heals allies for Avg Level 50% then drops rock shards on enemies dealing 70% Earth damage in a 1m radius. If an enemy is knocked down during this period the shards will also apply Bleeding and Congeal for 2 turns.
Lvl 5

(Hydro + Geo) Deal 65% Avg Level Physical, Magic and Piercing damage to an enemy siphoning it away and giving it to yourself or a chosen ally within range. Removes Acid, Suffocating, Knocked Down, Frozen and Bleeding from the chosen recipient who gains 25% Earth and Water Resistance for 1 turn.
Lvl 8

(Hydro + Geo) Convoke rock, bile and hail into a 5m area impeding all targets within dealing 110% Poison, 110% Earth and 110% Water damage. Creates a 4m poison surface, contaminates water, applies Acid for 2 turns and randomly strikes 10 times creating frozen surfaces applying Chill. (Intended Conflux Status: Congeal)
Lvl 13