Radius of effect increase to 5m from 4m.

Flaming Tongues
Radius increased to 4m from 3m

Incarnate is now permanent. This involves a few balance changes. Farsight Infusion and Power Infusion remain permanent however all other Infusion types have a duration of 10 turns. This results in a dedicated Summoner gaining a 4 AP build up advantage over previous conditions.
Increased Vitality multiplier to 40% from 35%. Also higher Con scaling FIN, INT, now has a scaling Wits score since it benefits from Innate Savage Sortilege and 2 base Scoundrel (mostly for positioning).

Dismiss Summon
Skill added and becomes innate after using any summon spell.

Creates 4 elementals of target surfaces for 3 turns. You can select up to 4 different types or all from the same type given enough surface is available. Each Fire, Lightning, Water and Earth have their own special skills and stats.
Lvl 9

Elemental Totem
Earth Totems now have a 50% chance to Slow targets for 1 turn instead of nothing.

No longer kills the summon it's cast on. Cooldown increased to 3 turns from 2.

Summon Maelstrom
Creates a violent nebula for 4 turns that spawns Vortex tornadoes every turn at enemies within a 15m radius. Each Tornado has properties and damage based on the surface the nebula exists. The Nebula itself causes damage to enemies within 4m and Tornadoes damage everything while leaving surfaces behind. The Maelstrom has its own Elemental skills to use for Tornadoes which scale with the character’s Summoning but its not as dependent compared to most Summon skills.
Lvl 13

Conjure Death Knight
Death Knight is an entirely custom Summon intended as a more Risk Vs Reward alternative to the Incarnate. It lacks the damage versatility of Incarnate but is capable of more damage. This summon shares a Soul-Link with it's caster duplicating Damage or Healing the caster takes to the Knight and vise versa. Life Steal shared in this manner does not require Vitality damage to function.
Lvl 14