This mod improves difficulty scaling so it will smoothly increase instead of decrease while at the same time adding a new and more difficult Strategist mode. 54+ New Skills, new features, far more build variety, better emphasis on cooldown management, combat overhaul and balance changes while taking care to keep the essence of the vanilla gameplay intact.
So how does the mod accomplish this?
A Better Classless system.
DOS2 is a classless system however it does not work as well as it could. Conflux helps make many build options not just viable but strong by integrating hybridization through new status effects, new skills, enemy Armor & Vitality changes and more flavorful talents.
Conflux status effects aid by combining two contradictory Tier 1 status effects like Burning and Chill. These status effects are powerful just as vanilla Tier 2 status effects. The conflicting nature of most Tier 1 status effects has been reduced and in some cases removed allowing players to first"lock in" the Tier 2 status they want before suffering any damage type reductions or conflicting behavior.
Many new skills are hybrid in nature either by combining two skill types, play styles or damage types. Elemental Runes now have status chance bringing elemental Conflux status effects to melee.
HP matters & Cooldown management.
Vitality plays a larger roll in Conflux. Players can no longer simply use their Armor values as HP. Non-CC Status effects such as Acid, Suffocation, Bleeding or Burning also hurt much more and can no longer be ignored in most cases.
Many Skills have been given more curative properties as result and there are new strong Defensive Talent options to choose from.
This helps prevent chain CC effects from occurring and brings about the need for players to choose if they want an armor restore to possibly prevent status or keep it on hand to instantly cure the effect when it occurs as leaving a status effect in play will be detrimental.
Enhanced Enemies.
Many of the new skills added by this mod have also been given to enemies, including new Talents. Players will find it harder to blindly spam CC at their problems. On the hardest difficulty there are in fact bosses whom are incredibly difficult to defeat unless the player figures out their weaknesses or the mechanics behind the encounter.
Over 2,000 NPCs have been hand crafted and given advanced AI scripts and directly react to actions they normally would not. As example, select enemies will attempt to reveal invisible players if they saw that player use invisibility. They will also attempt to cure CC'd allies far more reliably, throw smoke cover if numerous projectiles are used and in case of Boss level encounters dispell players and/or allies of powerful statuses.
These changes are global to all game modes so while Strategis may not be ideal for non-veteran players everyone can experience this mod and all it has to offer with other difficulty modes.