Lone Wolf is now an innate talent though at reduced potency. Armor bonus values are reduced to 25% from 60% and vitality reduced to 20%.
This is more of a play style choice than build based one thus it will no longer take up talent options.
Reasoning behind this is to improve build variety with the new more potent selection of talents.

Savage Sortilege is now a global innate talent for both players and enemies.
Another play style choice talent no longer taking up talent options. Enemies are also more dangerous as a result.

Pet Pal is a popular free talent given for it's story function and that holds true with this mod as well.

Arcanist improves skill range by 2m and grants two specialized skills. Source Phylactery allows the user to regain a source point. Overload grants the user +25% bonus damage on their next magic attack. This has a 2 turn duration and the charge will not be consumed until a magic spell is cast or the duration expires.
Both of these skills are once per combat.

Damage increase from this talent is calculated separate from other modifiers thus it will always be the stated increase without diminishing returns.
This damage bonus does not "snapshot" and occurs at the moment of a strike and all results of that strike. As example if you apply Corrosive status from a weapon proc to an enemy with 3 current status effects the damage from the attack will be increased by 30% and the initial tick or corrosive will destroy 30% more armor.

Combat Reflexes is fairly self explanatory and can be useful given the new elemental rune status chance, enemy resistances, status effect potency and mixing play styles like bows + daggers. It can even be used to swap weapons for their innate skills.
Comes with two preset skills and a swap skill allowing the player to swap between preferred setups with a single skill toggle.
Works with all weapon types and shields.

Comeback Kid now returns the player to 50% Vitality from 25% and has greater potency given other defensive talent options now available like What A Rush, Divine Vigor and Walk It Off.

Regeneration granted by this talent is based on maximum Vitality and turns off when out of combat as to not spam the player.
The boon effect will proc when any healing spell is used by either ally or enemy and functions similar to a mini Circle of Protection for 1 turn (two ticks).

Elemental Ranger and Arrow Recovery have been combined for a more defined purpose.
This helps make Elemental damage from arrows either through innate, buffs or special arrows a one talent pick leaving room for other options.

With greater potency in evasive based character building Elusive is a strong pick for utility, defense and damage.
There is no limit to the number of retaliations a character can perform. Each strike deals 65% weapon damage and slows through magic armor.
Elusive dodge works for any damage, attack or skill with "projectile"as part of it's parameters. This includes popular spells like Fireball.

Movement speed granted by this talent is a direct counter bonus to any movement reductions or immobilizing effects.
This means if you are rendered immobile you will have +30% of your movement while if you are Chilled (-30% movement) you will suffer no movement penalty.
Escapist's barrier charge will take priority over Walk It off for hard CC statuses.

This talent remains unchanged though it's important to note the reduction in potency of some potions like Resistance and dodge has made the talent less exploitable. Regardless though; consumables are used far more often in this mod.

Remains unchanged but worth noting it's new found potent synergy with other talents like Walk It Off and Escapist.
Remains incompatible with Lone Wolf. If you have 2 or less party members the talent will be removed and talent point refunded.

Grenades are now considerably more potent at base value with both their damage and innate Savage Sortilege but this talent pushes it further.
Bonus damage is considered for both initial damage of the grenade and status effects it produces including Conflux statuses.
Crafting bonus is probability based thus can at times result in more than one bonus result.

At 1 AP Sneak cost with improvements in damage to stealth based attacks, improvements to sneaking in combat and more skills that can be used from stealth this is now a great pick.
Also grants Sabotage a 25% chance to instantly refresh the cooldown of a trap skill. Up to 100% for having all 4 memorized. Mass Sab will take 1-2 traps off cooldown when used.

Remains unchanged but with global Vitality improvements and talents like Divine Vigor, What A Rush and others it has new found synergy.

Since it would now be less likely to keep 100% of a character's health easily this talent has been improved to work at 90% or above.

Will absorb non-cursed/blessed surfaces before they can apply status or cause damage. This includes ones created by skills and other attacks.
Restore amount is based on surface size and maximum values, 4% for Armors 10% for vitality.
Blood surfaces retain their original interaction since this surface type is generally harmless. Keep in mind this portion only works at the start of the turn but always restores 5% Vitality.

With an increase in healing potency through both talents, added skills and disfavor to passive armor restoration this talent was reduced by 5%.

Increased to 5 memory from 3 in order to help keep the talent competitive with other options.

Now also removes Flanking penalty to dodge chance. Note the UI will still show a reduction but will also show this talent negating it.

A classic pick for Rogue or Support builds now improves Initiative by +5 which is generally sought after by those and similar play styles.

Currently there are 12 Rune types granted by this talent. 4 weapon, 4 armor/shield and 4 Amulet. Each has a Rune for STR, FIN, INT or CON.
Damage added by these runes is a bonus not an increase thus they will improve the damage of the weapon's base damage type(s).
Runes scale with character level and have their own crafting system to customize the stats you want along with the effects you want for each rune type.
A list of rune effects can be found here:

Now gives +2 Combat & +2 Civil skill points to maintain competitive value among other Talents.

What was already a strong talent pick is more so in this mod thanks to heavily increased status damage. Also worth noting the Conflux status Proliferate does not require Chill to land in order to proc.
Conflux statuses themselves are unaffected by this talent as most use base status durations already and Conflux status effects allow other status effects like Burning, Acid and Poison to be active.

Using this talent when the character has Burning or Necrofire status they gain a special haste buff that stacks with normal Haste.
The Burning or Necrofire can be extinguished and turned into an AoE fire blast with 5m radius that increases in damage based on the number of stacks consumed up to a cap of 200% bonus damage.
The Burning status caused by this talent "Fire King's Wrath" cannot be resisted and stacks with other Burning statuses.

The 5m Chill aura produced by this talent can passively cause Conflux Proliferate status effects though the base Chill aura effects are still subject to magic armor defense.
Grants Immunity to Frozen and Slipping. Causes frozen surfaces left behind when moving.
The "Intense Chill" granted by the talent produces it's own aura of Chill-like status that cannot be resisted by magic armor, stacks with Chill and reduces enemy AP recovery by 1 per turn in exchange for reducing your own AP recovery by 1 per turn.

Damage caused by this talent is Physical and increased by the characters Warfare, Crit Chance & Crit Damage multiplier.
Damage increases as the character's Vitality gets lower and the radius starts at 3m increasing to 4m.
Unstable Alteration created by interacting with non-cursed/blessed surfaces will randomly transform the surface into a blessed or other normal surface.
Created surface types are 3 to 1 beneficial. Unstable Alteration is deactivated while invisible, stealth or out of combat. Altered surface duration is 2 turns.

At the start of each turn the character gains a barrier charge that will block the first attempt of any negative status. Including Elemental, Physical, Damage or CC. Any status in the game.
Does not consider surfaces.

Extra resistances granted by this talent start at 70% health and intensifies non-linearly as the character's health diminishes further.
The 30% cap is reached at 20% remaining Vitality.

Grants +1 Damage per level up to lvl 6. +2 per level up to lvl 10. +3 per level up to level 16 and +4 per level beyond. Two-Handed gains are half value.
Damage added by this talent is base damage thus improved by attribute, skill and crit multipliers.
A character must have AP remaining in order for this talent to remove an action point otherwise it will hault movement.