Weapon Accuracy penalty for higher level items has been reduced.
One-Handed weapons have had their status proc chance increased by 5%. Hard CC procs are either the same or slightly lower for all weapon types.
Shields can now grant +2 to +6 CON bonus from +1 to +3.
Greatly increased the base damage of Grenades. Increased the radius of a few and keep in mind Savage Sortlege works with Grenades so they’re notably more potent.
Spear base damage now scales equal to Two-Handed they have innate 5% Crit chance and grant the All-in skill.
Unarmed now grants the Flurry skill.
Itemized Elemental Bonuses for physical weapons has been increased by 35%.
Runes that grant Elemental bonus damage have been increased slightly.
Mystical Framed Runes now offer 5% increased Resists over Power.
Elemental Runes now proc status of their types to better integrate melee Conflux with Giant Power at 15% for 2 turns and Mystical at 25% for 2 turns.
Unique items have been updated to follow global item changes.
Unique items have been given a Rune Slot if one was not present.
Staff of Magus damage increased to 100% from 90% and now explodes in a 2m radius.
Green Tea now grants a Tophat buff.
Healing Elixir will now also cure Elemental Conflux status effects.
Holy Grenade Healing increased to 100% from 75%.
Resist Potions have been reduced in potency to 15%, 25%, 40% and 60%.
Changed the AP cost of some scrolls to reflect skill / talent changes.
Nimble Thumb potion Dodge chance reduced to 25% from 40%.
Resurrection Idol can no longer be crafted in combat.
Resurrection Scrolls have been reduced in price. This is intended to lighten character death from eating into player income too harshly. They still hold the same combat purpose and drawbacks which is the important part.
Gold Piles have been increased greatly in the amount given to help with economic needs of the many more available skills not to mention making sense.
Scripted Unique items have been added to the game. These are intended to be truly Unique and not just items with better stats. (Make sure to read flavor text)
Poison Potions now heal/deal 50% increased damage. This is done with a two tick application either of which can Crit. This puts them roughly the same as normal healing potions after the first tick of poison status or potentially better on apply if the application Crits.
Slow Down Arrow now does Earth damage in a 2m radius creating Oil like it's Elemental cousins and like them it's damage multiplier has been reduced to 80% from 95%.