-Attribute/Combat/Civil Changes-
Constitution now gives +10% per rank from 7%.
Huntsman now gives 6% Elevation bonus per rank from 5%.
Perseverance now gives 7% Armor restoration per rank from 5%. Perseverance has been manually scripted back into the game. Currently this interaction is woven between the Walk It Off talent. It will not activate if Walk It Off removed a status however it will activate for any other situation in which the CC is cured or has run it's duration.
Leadership radius increased to 14m from 8m. In addition it grants +1% Physical Resistance and +1 Initiative per rank.
Pick Pocket has been halved in the amount of Gold / Weight that can be taken per rank.
Dual Wield now grants 2% Dodge bonus per rank from 1%.
Two Handed All-in Skill now does 160% damage with a 3 turn cooldown but reduces Dodge chance by10% for 1 turn.
Dual Wield Flurry Skill now does 165% damage with a 3 turn cooldown and increases Dodge chance by 5% for 1 turn.
Luck loot table adjusted slightly at higher ranks. The chance of a result is the same however the chance for normal items is no longer removed from the loot table.
Necromancy Life Steal has been reduced to 5% from 10% per rank. This is a tricky thing to balance in most RPGs and due to Undead’s increased healing from Poison, added healing spells, added Leech spells and a higher value on Vitality within the game some reduction was required though is subject to change.
Bartering Skill and NPC Attitude Price variables have been changed slightly to favor Barter more. The result is a net gain for income of roughly +15% on charterers who invest in the Bartering skill and reduces the effect of fluffing NPCs with junk for better prices.
Sneaking in combat has been greatly improved. Enemies are no longer psychic.
-Dodge & Accuracy-
Effects that diminish the value of Dodge chance have been reduced and in few cases removed. The intent of this change is to better reward investment in an evasive play style but for the sake of balance skills that increase Dodge chance heavily have been reduced.
Some enemies now have slightly increased Dodge chance especially when disarmed.
Players may find it handy to keep effects that reduce dodge on hand.
Accuracy still directly counters Dodge chance but now has more weight as a stat.