-Global Game Changes-
Replaced Explorer Mode with previous Classic:
Replaced Classic Mode with previous Tactician:
Added Strategist Mode:
Enemy Armor/HP values scale more smoothly with levels. At lvl 1-5 enemies will have slightly more HP but virtually no change from normal Tactician mode in terms of Armor or Damage output but by Level 20 they will have notably higher values compared below.
Enemies have 30-60% more HP values that vary by CON.
Enemies have 20% more Physical Armor values.
Enemies have 20% more Magic Armor values.
Enemies will deal 20% more Base Damage.
Enemies now have more evenly distributed Armor values, especially shield units. In general the combined Armor values of a unit do not exceed it's HP value.
Enemies are less resistant to Poison by -5% to -10% though Immune enemies remain immune and enemies who heal by having more than 100% will still heal.
Abilities that absorb surrounding surface to produce an effect have had their threshold lowered to 8 from 10 tiles making them more potent with less surface.
Enemy AI has been improved to remember attacks for 4 turns instead of 2 when acting to take cover, avoid projectiles, terrain and characters.
Enemies will use more evasive attacks and abilities when disarmed.
Animals and particularly brutish enemies have been given a Rending attack.
Enemy AI skill priority changed to value AP efficiency more.
Enemies have access to more skills which increases with level.
Enemies have been given Unique combat and encounter scripting. Some are fairly noticeable while others are more subtle and require specific conditions.
Enemies have hand picked access to a scripted "Cure" skill that costs 1AP with a 5 turn CD. This is intended to better control AI interests in helping CC'd teammates and is used sparingly.
Some Unique encounters have been enhanced beyond global changes.
Most Boss encounters have been enhanced beyond global changes.
New scripted Bosses and encounters have been added to the game many of which have some minor mechanics involved.
High Ground Disadvantage has been increase to -20% from -10%
Status effects now scale considerably stronger and are far more dangerous to both enemies and players. Acid / Suffocate have been further increased in potency.
Smoke surface duration decreased to 3 turns from 6 as default.
Steam surface duration decreased to 3 turns from infinite.
Enemies now have innate Savage Sortilege.
Slow movement penalty reduced to -40% from -50%.
Chill movement penalty reduced to -30% from -35%.
Bless now also removes all Elemental Conflux Statuses, Knock Down, Entangle and no longer has a memory cost.
Many healing and restore spells have been given additional Status removal qualities.
Maximum number of Summons in combat increased to 10 from 4. This is mostly due to Summoning changes and additional spells. It’s now easy to have 6+ Summons.
Slowed movement speed out of combat is now -40% reduction from -80%
Characters now start with 4 memory slots up from 3.
Spirit Vision is now permanent once attained and casting is only needed for scripted events.
Flee distance increased to 80m from 13m. Players cannot flee combat without a talent.
Enemies will no longer be interested in Sir Lora.
Immunity Auras are now Resilient Auras granting 75% Resistance to a single element or in case of Immune to all Elemental / Physical Immunity 50%.
All Hard CC statuses such as Frozen, Stun, Charm, Fear, ect are limited to a 1 turn duration.
Memory slot growth has been increased to 0.75 from 0.5 by level 20 a character will have 15 extra memory slots from 10. This is intended to help ease the addition of new skills.
It's now possible to proc multiple statuses and instantly combine a Conflux with one weapon strike. Runes statuses lands first.
BackStab damage now scales exponentially based on player level. 1% till lvl 10, 2% till lvl 15 and 3% per level afterwards up to 40% at lvl 21.
Summons now leash when using a waypoint and based on a 500m distance from it's owner. This can be manually triggered using a number of common game events such as Unsummon.