Can now be thrown as a projectile up to 13m and from stealth. Now also cures Burning and it’s cooldown has been reduced to 4 turns from 5.

Cloak and Dagger
Now grants Sinister Intent when used while Sneaking which refunds it’s AP cost.

Deals 150% weapon damage. Applies Bleed and Terrify. If the target is bleeding, proliferated or has no Physical Armor Terrify is applied through Magic Armor. If the target has either no physical or magic Armor, Apply Lasting Cruelty.
(Lasting Cruelty is a debuff which causes piercing damage each time the character performs and action or skill dealing 60% base damage with a 35% Bonus.)

Requires: Scoundrel 3
Deals 100% weapon damage and applies Slow. If performed from stealth deals 50% more damage. If the target is bleeding or proliferated deal 25% bonus damage with 25% Lifesteal and Weaken the target. This effect will bypass Armor if conditions are met.
Lvl. 8

Reduced to 1AP from 2. Damage reduced to 85% from 120% and now scales with any melee weapon instead of being restricted to Daggers.

Damage increased to 105% from 100%.

Mortal Blow
Stealth multiplier increased to 250% from 200%.

Cooldown reduced to 2 turns from 6. The summon now has its own scaling Wits / Pyro skill, bonus Crit of 5% and higher stats in general to help make it independent of Summoning.

Blessed Smoke Cover
Now also causes Cursed Smoke when an enemy is targeted.

Daggers Drawn
Has become a 5 strike 13m ranged attack that is able to backstab. Damage multiplier increased to 70% from 60%. Each strike can apply rune and weapon statuses.

Requires: Scoundrel 3
Deals 115% weapon damage. If performed while sneaking deal 50% bonus damage and apply Mugged to the target then remain sneaking. If not sneaking apply Skull Cracker to the target and brigand maneuvers to yourself. Each status will be applied if the target has either no physical or magic armor.
(Mugged reduces all Resistances by -10% including physical and piercing, Skull Cracker causes -1AP recovery per turn, confusion and 40% Accuracy loss. Brigand Maneuvers allows the character to evade the next two incoming attacks, projectiles or spells.)
Lvl. 9